
Travelled differently or did not travel

Distance vs transport method in the city (2020)

During leisure time
To school

Antwerp employees living inside and outside the city

To work

Regular use of public transport

Modal split residents

In 2020, 45% of people employed in Antwerp took the car to work, located less than 7.5 km away. Only 38% of Antwerp's residents used the car to commute less than 7.5 km. Meanwhile, more employees chose the bike: not only for journeys less than 5 km, but also for longer distances.

Distance versus method of transport

The City of Antwerp carries out several surveys to measure travel behaviour. The resident survey showed that the use of cars for commuter travel dropped by 15.6% between 2010 and 2020 (from 51% to 35.4%). Meanwhile, bicycle use has risen by 8.8% (from 21.1% to 29.9%). The use of public transport saw a drop of 18.6% to 9.1%. In 2020, 21.4% of Antwerp residents did not make regular journeys to work. A sharp rise of 16.4% compared to 2010.

Looking at the travel behaviour of residents in their free time, the bicycle has beaten the car in recent years, with 40.8% cyclists compared to 28.8% car drivers in 2020. When it comes to residents' home-school traffic, the figures remained more stable between 2010 and 2019, with a preference for sustainable solutions: 36.8% bicycle use, 22.7% public transport and 10.7% car use in the past year. The influence of coronavirus was unmistakable here too in 2020, with 22.4% pupils learning at home.


Regular use of car

Regular use of public transport

Regular use of bike

Distance vs transport method in the city (2019)

Regular use of car

Antwerp residents working inside and outside the city

Regular use of bike


Travelled differently or did not travel

Distance vs transport method in the city (2020)

Antwerp employees living inside and outside the city

In 2020, 45% of people employed in Antwerp took the car to work, located less than 7.5 km away. Only 38% of Antwerp's residents used the car to commute less than 7.5 km. Meanwhile, more employees chose the bike: not only for journeys less than 5 km, but also for longer distances.

Distance versus method of transport

During leisure time
To school

Travelled differently or did not travel

Travelled differently or did not travel

To work

The City of Antwerp carries out several surveys to measure travel behaviour. The resident survey showed that the use of cars for commuter travel dropped by 15.6% between 2010 and 2020 (from 51% to 35.4%). Meanwhile, bicycle use has risen by 8.8% (from 21.1% to 29.9%). The use of public transport saw a drop of 18.6% to 9.1%. In 2020, 21.4% of Antwerp residents did not make regular journeys to work. A sharp rise of 16.4% compared to 2010.

Looking at the travel behaviour of residents in their free time, the bicycle has beaten the car in recent years, with 40.8% cyclists compared to 28.8% car drivers in 2020. When it comes to residents' home-school traffic, the figures remained more stable between 2010 and 2019, with a preference for sustainable solutions: 36.8% bicycle use, 22.7% public transport and 10.7% car use in the past year. The influence of coronavirus was unmistakable here too in 2020, with 22.4% pupils learning at home.

Modal split residents

Distance vs transport method in the city (2019)

Regular use of bike

Regular use of public transport

Regular use of car

Antwerp residents working inside and outside the city

Regular use of bike

Regular use of public transport

Regular use of car